Accommodation in Ouranoupoli - Ierissos

As for our stay in Ouranoupoli or Ierissos we have the following options: 

At Ouranoupolis the most economical solution is the camping.
At the organized cambing we can use our tent, or we can rent a bangalow. 
The most common solution is to rend a hotel or pansion room.
 Here the prices vary from 40€ to 80 € per right.
If we book early we can achive a cheapest price. The easiest way is to book via a reliable site (e.x. to be sure.
During the summer months there are a lot tourist in the area, so is a goot thing to book early.

Websites that we can find rooms: 


Cambing in Ouranoupolis: 
Cambing facebook page

From tripadvisor with tourist info and reviews: 
Hotels from tripadvisor

As we mentioned, both places have a lot of tourists all year long, so there are shops and restaurants for all tastes and bugets. Also during the summer months interesting events and festivals take place under the tower of Ouranoupolis.